Linc provides emotional and financial support to blood cancer patients and their families, being treated across Gloucestershire’s Hospitals.
Our Impact
Everyone’s experience is different and we’re there when you need our support. Whether that’s there from the point of diagnosis, when patients are going through intensive chemotherapy, when families are going through a challenging time, or when you need some fighting spirit or a boost living day to day with blood cancer.
Linc help to navigate the impact of cancer upon patients and their loved ones by funding Clinical Psychologists that work with the NHS Trust. We also fund clinical trial nurses who work with blood cancer patients who are receiving treatment and support them through trials that could benefit them further. This in turn provides learnings and information which will change patient outcomes nationally and internationally in the future.
Away from treatment we also make a difference in home life. Linc’s specially reserved fund helps people with practical support when they’ve been diagnosed with blood cancer. This could be in the form of financial assistance with childcare and rent costs, or creating special memories by funding a family day out. Each action is quick to access, bespoke and tailored to them.

Our Community
The overwhelming response from the local community is humbling. We create hubs and groups that share our same goals whether that’s at events, fundraisers or when we’re having a catch-up over coffee. As we continue to grow every year their encouragement is highly valued. Linc is proud to be supported by our patrons Laurence and Jackie Llewelyn-Bowen and, Dr PJ Crook MBE. We are also indebted to our trustees, as well as the many groups and individuals who dedicate their time or donate money to the charity.

Our Pledge
As a charity whose purpose is to support local people diagnosed with blood cancer, Linc provides vital emotional and financial support to patients undergoing treatment in Gloucestershire’s hospitals.
Our services are personalised to meet the unique needs of every individual.
Our History
Since 1998, Linc charity has helped thousands of people in the local area through medical treatment, financial challenges and emotional assistance. We fund items that the NHS can’t fund, and give those added extras which make a huge difference.
Founded by Dr Robert Dalton, a Consultant Haematologist at Cheltenham General Hospital, assisted by his colleague Dr Gillian Rouse, Linc has established itself as one of the most important local cancer charities.
Linc continues to grow each year to ensure we can support more people touched by blood cancer with the ambition that every individual and family affected by this disease receives the help and support they need.

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Linc Charity Office
Linc Out Patients Department
Cheltenham General Hospital
Sandford Road
GL53 7AN
Linc Charity Office
Edward Jenner Unit
Gloucester Royal Hospital
Great Western Road